You can not see them, but without them nothing works. Foundations need to be well planned, as only on a stable foundation you can build walls.
The right foundation for a stable underground
Landing Zones with Azure Foundation
You can not see them, but without them nothing works. Foundations need to be well planned, as only on a stable foundation you can build walls.
glueckkanja Azure Foundation
The cloud offers many useful and success-critical tools for product and process digitization. Despite massive time pressure, companies face the challenge of putting the cloud on a secure and sustainable foundation. With Azure Foundation, glueckkanja offers the collection of Azure Landing Zone architectures and best practices from many successfully implemented projects. Automation and Infrastructure as Code (IaC) deployment ensure a fast implementation.
- Tenant setup
- Organization of management groups and subscriptions
- Development and application of the tagging strategy
- Definition and implementation of the naming convention
- Creation of a dedicated audit log
- Automating the Azure monitoring
- Using and configuring Azure Cost Management
- Introduction of dedicated logical units for a workload or application
- Enable multi-stage deployments (production - non-production)
- Including predefined resources and metadata
- Pre-selection of built-in Azure policies
- Application of customer-specific policies
- Integration of Azure Security Center
- Hub spoke topology with built-in scaling automation
- Central point of control for internal network traffic with Azure Firewall
- Predefined components that enable and control entry and exit
- Backup automation for VMs and blob storage
- Update and patch management
- Automatic cleaning
- Workload access controlled by automation, RBAC and Entra ID
- Implementation of a secure bastion/jump host model
- Templates and functions in source code control
- Pipeline deployment with test automation and quality gates
- Work item tracking with boards